October 21 @ Museum of Tolerance

I will be speaking at the Museum of Tolerance on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2012 at 2pm. A presentation will be made about child survivors in Switzerland. I will present some introductory remarks regarding the International Study of Organized Persecution of Children.

How Important Are Dreams?

An Interview by Joyce Barrie of John Bell & Dr.HeleneBass-Wichelhaus

John Bell addresses DREAMS–How important are they? John will be joined by Dr. Helene Bass-Wichelhaus, a psychoanalyst, who is highly trained in the area of dream interpretation. This show is informative and may give you new insight into your dreams.

Go to minute 21:00 to hear Dr. Helene.

Listen to internet radio with Joyce BarrieFriends on Blog Talk Radio

Or Visit: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/joycebarrie/2011/07/25/how-important-are-your-dreams-john-bell